KMUTT Geospatial Engineering and Innovation Center
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
126 Pracha Uthit Road, 10140 Bangkok
Copyright (c) 2008 All rights reserved.

kGeo undertakes research and development projects for government entities, commercial entities, and non-profit groups.
Areas of expertise include:
- Custom design and development of geospatial information systems for agriculture, water resource management, environmental monitoring, business development and planning, infrastructure planning, public health, and many other applications
- Processing and analysis of imagery from satellites, manned and unmanned aerial vehicles as well as oblique imagery
- Design and prototyping of environmental sensors and integration of sensors into information systems
- Design and development of location-enabled mobile applications
- Development and testing of analytic and predictive models with a spatial component
- Development of educational tools and materials related to geospatial topics.
- System architecture and design
- Data development (field data, remote sensing)
- Education and training in spatially related topics
- Impartial review and evaluation of proposals and terms of reference (TOR) for feasibility and technical merit